
Angela Ho (香港)
谭詠珊 (香港)
Christy Yau (香港)
Bao Heng (香港)
Elisa Chu (香港)
Nicole Chen (香港)
Dag Chyou (臺北)
Prasanna Annamalai, Director Of Engineering, Growth Markets (印度)

Joy Hsu (上海)

Joyce Yang (新加坡)

Johnson Kao, President at Standard Fiber (China) (上海)

周周 (上海)
Lena Fok (香港)

Carmen 導師的熱忱、臨在和洞見很有震撼力,充分展示出一個教練的風範。雖然我們...... zoom 的情況下,她的教導、分享、響應都非常 inspiring & empowering(激勵和賦能),正如她自己的 purpose statement(使命宣言)一樣, 對我真有好大的啟迪和激發


上完這堂課後,我開始把教練引導的對話應用在與公司同事及女兒間的溝通上,忽然間,我覺得自己和女兒的傾談變得更有信心, 我會開始觀察溝通時女兒的表情以及留意自己接下來的說話,因為我不是要給女兒方向,也不是要給她答案,而我對女兒所說的抱持著好奇態度,而不是質問的態度,我漸漸更期待聆聽女兒,當我更期待時,她就更容易說更多的話,這個月裡我開始感受到女兒更願意的和我傾談。

以前曾經讀過Coaching,產生了對coaching的興趣;...... 這次上Carmen老師的課,帶給我許多新的思維和啟發,...... 感恩我沒有錯過Carmen的課,老師的教導好有深度,匯出一個極其重要的教練基礎,這是其他課程中學不到生命的質素,...... 一個超有感染力和經驗的coaching是難能可貴的教練學堂,對每一個願意追求人生的意義和熱情的人,都值得報讀!

熱情洋溢的Carmen老師……  她展示了臨在的魅力,…… 她投入每一個人的對話,融會了整個氣氛,整個班變了團火,她就是熱力四射的火把;她觀察細微,每一次響應同學的分享,可以有看出她多大的才華,就算連小小的東西都看到偉大的發現,超乎人原來的想像,簡單來說,經過她的沉澱後,同學們的洞見就萬出幾十個不同款色的萬花筒,如同顯微鏡,被老師照出正能量和人的潛力來……

謝謝Carmen博士在這幾個月裡無私的教學。 這讓我不僅可以學習新知識,還可以讓我發現在我生命中的任何地方都可以使用這種方法。


每一次與Carmen老師的對話總是很有養分、備受鼓舞! 我很欣賞老師身上獨有的智慧和樂天,內裡有種柔和的堅定,生活得很通透,也是我很嚮往的狀態。...... 感謝老師總能讓我感覺到無條件的接納、信任、關愛和溫暖,感恩生命特殊節點讓我們遇見!

This has been an eye-opening training and workshop. I appreciate Dr. Carmen‘s teaching in the past three days and I am also happy to make a few new friends with a common interest. I know I have made the right choice and this is a life-long decision. I am confident that with the learning today, I will make a lot of difference moving forward.

Thanks to Dr. Carmen for making this a very lovely and practical training. She always came prepared and has been engaging throughout our time together, holding us accountable and giving us relevant assignments. I also made some very good friends along the way. This is a lifelong commitment to invest in ourselves and also to benefit others through coaching.

Coaching is amazing!  I have fallen in love with coaching. I don't want to be a consultant anymore, I want to be a coach from now on.

Thank you Dr.Carmen for host this training. I am now more convinced than ever that coaching is impactful. I have experienced first hand that the more we do coaching, the more energy we will gain. When we are energetic, our clients will be energetic as well. Another thing I really enjoy is the diversity that we have among our group. We have different backgrounds. We come from different countries. But it seems like we have known each other for quite a long time. It has been an amazing 3 days. The member area is a treasure chest. I will keep on digging from it.

I got so much out of this training I don't even know where to start. Let me highlight three things:

First, I'm so new to coaching that it has always been something so new and hard for me. Now the training has demystified the whole thing. I now know there is a process and steps to follow. This training has given us so many tools that we can use in different situations. Very powerful indeed.

Second, I have experienced coaching and that's life-changing. Now when I learn how to coach and use the tools, I see the impact in coaching even just for 10 minutes. If I continue to coach people on a consistent basis, imagine how many people I can impact and touch.

Third, this really gives burned-out senior executives, like me, a new and clear roadmap on how to move forward and what to do. Now I have a new purpose. I can use the tools and skills and my experience to help people inside the company, and friends outside.









自從加入教練項目的學習以來,這是改變我人生的一段旅程。我的優先順序已經不再一樣! ...... 我已經很久沒有感到如此充滿活力和有力量了!非常感謝Carmen老師的教授以及課後學習小組的支持!


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